Goodbye Sandals, Hello Shoes

Goodbye sandals

We'll return to the CDT tomorrow morning, and I'm anxiously waiting to start.

My foot is much better. I think it's in good enough shape that it can continue to heal while hiking. The antibiotics have kicked in and are helping.

Hello Shoes

I'm switching from sandals to shoes, so today I need to figure out the best locations for moleskin that avoid new problems. I think I wore out my sandals and they were not giving me the foot support I needed.

The lesson of this ordeal is to pay closer attention to my feet. I should have paid closer attention to my blisters and worked harder at treating them. I also think the infection was zapping my hiking-energy.

I'll miss my sandals. They are very comfortable. I have a new pair of sandals waiting for me when we hike across the Great Divide Basin in Wyoming.


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